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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Rebel Assault 2: The Hidden Empire System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-07-10 01:47:39 Views : 25172 Cheat : Hidden FMV sequence: Hold A + C + T after the last stormtrooper is killed. Release the keys after the elevator door closes. A FMV sequence featuring dancing stormtroopers will appear. Outtakes: Enter one of the following pilot names to view their outtakes from production of the game: Gary Martinez, Julie Eccles, Jamison Jones. Alternate audio: Pause game play, press [Alt] + V, and enter OVRES as a password. Force mode: Press [Alt] + V and enter LETGO as a password to enable "Force" cheat mode. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Effect Code Decrease damage [Plus] Increase damage [Minus] Extra lives [Alt] + E Unlimited lives [Alt] + L Yoda mode: Enable the "Force mode" code, then press [Alt] + V and enter ISNOTRY as a password to enable "Yoda" cheat mode. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Effect Code Level skip [Esc] Level select [Alt] + [J] CPU plays game [Alt + [P] Display FMV sequences [Alt + [M] Dark side mode: Enable "the "Yoda mode" code, then then press [Alt] + V and enter JOINME as a password to enable "Dark side" cheat mode. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Effect Code Super pilot [Alt] + S Toggle debug mode [Alt] + D Screen capture [Alt] + C Level passwords: Beginner Novice Standard Expert 2 JABBA EWOKS BANTHA ANAKIN 3 ENDOR CHEWIE KATANA KENOBI 4 LACHTON DANKIN DENGAR FORTUNA 5 BORSK NOGHRI PELLAEON MODON 6 KROYTIES CHAMMA ITHULL OMMIN 7 AURIL BOGGA STENNESS REKKON 8 KAMPL INCOM MYRKR SHAZEEN 9 FERRIER KOTHLIS CHURBA KIIRIUM 10 GALIA KRATH ARTOO GUNDAR 11 DENARII SIOSK SATAL DIANOGA 12 SADOW ADEGAN LOBUE ATUARRE 13 ONDERON AMANDA DNABA ESSADA 14 ALEEMA AMBRIA STURM PAPLOO 15 CATHAR SYLVAR CRADO NASHTAH End DOMINUS MIRALUKA CARRACK PESTAGE Custom 1 and Custom 2 level passwords: Level Password 2 WOOKIEE 3 DROID 4 RODIAN 5 BPFASSH 6 KSHYY 7 TORVE 8 SLUISSI 9 PALANHI 10 DROKKO 11 NATTH 12 SABACC 13 ANDUR 14 ARKANIA 15 DIATH End DREEBO Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Rebel Assault 2: The Hidden Empire cheat codes.
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